
The Exponential Enterprise

Enhancing human capabilities through Smart technology

Let's build the Digital Enterprise

Welcome, my name is Arnoud van der Reest and I am the founder of Bluegit.com. I have a passion for designing and building human-centric digital solutions that make life easier and more fun.


Join me on a journey to digital transformation! As an expert in building digital solutions for business success, I collaborate with a vast network of specialists to help you stay ahead of the curve. Leveraging the power of "Design Thinking," Web 3.0 concepts, the latest digital technologies, and Data Science, we design and build the ultimate digital enterprise. Let's create a digital footprint that sets an example for the industry and drives your business to new heights!

Do you share my passion, and do you want to do business? Then contact me via 


You need to understand the potential of the new technologies that are causing the ever-accelerating development of the internet. How do they work and what business potential do they offer?Nieuwe alinea


By mapping out the processes within a current business we soon realize that there are many inefficiencies that can be eliminated. When we look beyond company boundaries, we soon Identify the exponential opportunities within a complete business ecosystem.

Redesign for Web 3.0

Using the “Design Thinking” approach we design new business models and processes across a complete business ecosystem. Creating Digital Platforms that are human-centric, secure, fast, smart, and data-driven using the latest Digital Technologies and Data Science.

Building the future

The building digital business platforms has already started in the shipping, Healthcare, and logistical business, etc.

The technology is here. We have started and you are invited to join the team.

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